Tudors Dynasty | Dr. Linda Porter on Three Tudor Queens & Two Stuart Kings
On today’s show, Dr Linda Porter and I discuss Queen Mary I, Kateryn Parr, Mary, Queen of Scots, Charles I and his children as well as the many mistresses and illegitimate children of Charles II. If you think the Tudors are fascinating then you’ll love to learn about the Stuarts as well!
I’m Rebecca Larson, host of the Tudors Dynasty Podcast and owner of TudorsDynasty.com. Telling the stories of those who lived centuries before us is what I enjoy doing most. Whether it be a show on one subject or an interview with an author/historian, I’ll bring you the tales of 16th century England.
Before I get started today, I need to take a minute to thank the folks who became new patrons since the last episode: Sam F, Andrea, Fiona O., Krystalyn W, Leslie F, Elanora G, Lisa B, Michaela Z and Bonnie J- thank you so much for your support – your support and the support of all my patrons who have meant the world to me. A full list of patrons can be found at tudorsdynastypodcast.com
My guest today is Dr Linda Porter, historian and author of nearly five books:
Mary Tudor – The First Queen
Katherine the Quene – The Remarkable Life of Katherine Parr
Crown of Thistles – The Fatal Inheritance of Mary, Queen of Scots
Royal Renegades – The Children of Charles I and the English Civil Wars
And next: Mistresses – Sex and Scandal at the Court of Charles II
Follow Linda on Twitter: @DrLindaPorter1
Official Website: http://lindaporter.net/
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Linda-Porter/e/B001IR1J04?ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1&qid=1582493913&sr=8-1
Patreon.com/TudorsDynasty click “Become a Patron”
Written by: Rebecca Larson
Voiced by: Rebecca Larson & Dr. Linda Porter
Produced by: Rebecca Larson
Imaging by: Troy Larson
Music Credits:Music from https://filmmusic.io
“Folk Round” by Kevin MacLeod (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
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