Brews, Booze, & Reviews

Hosted ByRyan 'Nox' Maack, Ernie Johnson & Chris Kjelshus

A Childish Podcast About Adult Beverages

Brews, Booze, & Reviews | Ep. 95 – Macro-Whiskey Blind Tasting

Do YOU think you know the difference between Crown Royal, Jameson, Jim Beam, Black Velvet, Jack Daniels, and Wild Turkey? Well hop on the struggle bus with us as we welcome special guests Don and Torry back to the podcast to see if anyone can guess correctly on which whiskey is which. There are surprises galore on this show as a couple of our misconceptions shine through, and opinions warp by the end of this adventure!

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions for future episodes, please feel free to e-mail us at [email protected]. If you like this show, please rate and review us on your favorite platform. If you would like to support the podcast, you can do so by clicking the donate button at the bottom of this episode description. It allows us to purchase more beverages to discuss for you fine folks. For more information about us, or to listen to our back catalogue of episodes, head over to

On behalf of everyone at Brews, Booze, & Reviews, may your glasses be full, and your spirits high!


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