The Official Do Good Better Podcast Season Six Ep19 ND Women’s Network Executive Director Kristie Wolff

Kristie Wolff is the Executive Director of the ND Women's Network. Kristie has an extensive background in marketing, grassroots education, advocacy, and coalition work. Kristie found her true passion when she began working in the nonprofit sector, where she has spent over half of her career. Prior to working a the ND Women's Network, she managed a tobacco prevention program at a statewide nonprofit, where a primary focus of her work was public education and policy regarding emerging tobacco products and nicotine use among youth. Kristie was instrumental in the passing of a state law in 2015 that restricted North Dakota minors from purchasing electronic cigarettes.

Kristie currently serves as a board member Central Dakota Forensic Nurse Examiner's, the board president for Keeping the Promise, and is a member of the Governor's Task Force on Autism.

Kristie lives in Mandan with her husband Jeremy, her two sons and her fur babies. Kristie loves music and rarely passes up an opportunity to see a rock show.

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Special THANK YOU to our sponsors:

Donor Dock – The best CRM system for your small to medium sized nonprofit, hands down! Visit and use the Promo Code DOGOODBETTER for a FREE month!

Brady Martz – The Nonprofit Audit Specialists! Visit to connect with folks to make your fiscal life a heckuvalot easier!

About The Official Do Good Better Podcast:
Each episode features (fundraising expert, speaker, event creator and author) Patrick Kirby interviewing leaders and champions of small & medium nonprofits to share their successes, their impact, and what makes them a unicorn in a field of horses. Patrick answers fundraising questions and (most importantly) showcases how you can support these small nonprofits doing great big things!


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