The Official Do Good Better Podcast Season Five Finale: Karin Reed & Dr. Joseph Allen Share How To Maximize Your Meetings

Karin M. Reed is the CEO and Chief Confidence Creator of Speaker Dynamics, a corporate communications training firm, featured in Forbes. While speaking through a webcam might be new to much of the world, Karin has been teaching business professionals how to be effective on-camera communicators for nearly a decade, translating her experience as an Emmy-award winning broadcast journalist, on-camera spokesperson and actress into a methodology based upon the MVPs of On-Camera Success™. 

Karin’s second book, Suddenly Virtual: Making Remote Meetings Work, was released in February 2021. This practical guide for navigating our new normal is written with Dr. Joseph Allen, 

Joseph A. Allen, Ph.D., is a Professor of Industrial and Organizational (I/O) Psychology at the University of Utah. His research focuses on three major areas of inquiry including the study of workplace meetings, organizational community engagement, and occupational safety and health. He has more than 100 publications in academic outlets, another 20 under review, and many works in progress for a number of journals. He has presented over 250 papers/posters at regional and national conferences and given more than 100 invited presentations on his research.

Dr. Allen has consulted for more than 400 non-profit and for-profit organizations. His research has attracted internal and external grant funding of more than $5 million since 2010. Dr. Allen’s recent work can be found at

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