The Official Do Good Better Podcast Season Five Ep17: Matthew’s Voice Project Co-Founders Jenny Schuster & Michelle Warren

Today Patrick welcomes Jenny Schuster & Michelle Warren, Co-Founders of Matthew's Voice Project.

Matthew’s Voice Project (MVP) is a registered non-profit 501c3 that focuses its efforts on assisting students in our public schools who are identified as experiencing homelessness. Much of MVP’s focus is on unaccompanied youth (identified by the school system as living on their own with very little to no support), providing them with the support and encouragement they need to complete high school and graduate.

As of December 2021 area district liaisons had approximately 438 homeless students combined in our local area; families and unaccompanied youth living in shelters, cars, hotels, campgrounds, garages or doubled up with family and friends.

While our public school systems receive federal grants to administer to the needs of homeless students, their day-to-day needs are not met through this program. This is where MVP steps in to help.

Learn More About Matthew's Voice Project:

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Special THANK YOU to our sponsors:

Donor Dock – The best CRM system for your small to medium sized nonprofit, hands down! Visit and use the Promo Code DOGOODBETTER for a FREE month!

Brady Martz – The Nonprofit Audit Specialists! Visit to connect with folks to make your fiscal life a heckuvalot easier!

About The Official Do Good Better Podcast:
Each episode features (fundraising expert, speaker, event creator and author) Patrick Kirby interviewing leaders and champions of small & medium nonprofits to share their successes, their impact, and what makes them a unicorn in a field of horses. Patrick answers fundraising questions and (most importantly) showcases how you can support these small nonprofits doing great big things!


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