The Official Do Good Better Podcast Season Five Ep5 Director of the Red River Zoo Sally Jacobson

Today we welcome Red River Zoo's Executive Director, Sally Jacobson.

Sally has served as Business Manager for the Red River Zoo since 2012.  As Business Manager, Sally oversaw the Guest Services, Membership, Special Events and Volunteer departments as well as the day to day business operations during the Zoo’s most dynamic period of growth. She is chair of the Zoo’s Safety Committee and serves on the Master Planning Committee.

She is a Professional Fellow Member of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums.

Prior to working at the Red River Zoo Sally worked at Chahinkapa Zoo in Wahpeton, ND. Over her tenure Sally held multiple managerial positions including: Lead Zookeeper, Registrar, and Interim Education Director.  One component of her position allowed her to travel to rural communities throughout southeastern North Dakota and southwestern Minnesota conducting conservation based educational programs.

Sally grew up in Fargo and graduated Magna Cum Laude from MSU-Moorhead with a BA in Anthropology.

Learn More About Red River Zoo:

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Donor Dock – The best CRM system for your small to medium sized nonprofit, hands down! Visit and use the Promo Code DOGOODBETTER for a FREE month!

Brady Martz – The Nonprofit Audit Specialists! Visit to connect with folks to make your fiscal life a heckuvalot easier!

About The Official Do Good Better Podcast:
Each episode features (fundraising expert, speaker, event creator and author) Patrick Kirby interviewing leaders and champions of small & medium nonprofits to share their successes, their impact, and what makes them a unicorn in a field of horses. Patrick answers fundraising questions and (most importantly) showcases how you can support these small nonprofits doing great big things!


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