The Official Do Good Better Podcast Season 3 Ep7: The Empathy Agency Principal & Founder Nneka Allen

Relationship builder.
Stone catcher.
Freedom Fighter.

Get ready for a powerful episode. Nneka Allen is our guest.

Nneka Allen is a Black woman, a descendant of the Underground Railroad, an Ojibwa of Anderson Nation, a Momma and a sixth-generation Canadian.

She was born and raised in Windsor, Ontario during the Black Power movement and a time of acute political awareness in North America. Her rich history and ancestry continually shape her racial equity activism today.

Over the last 20 years she has inspired philanthropy in the non-profit sector as a professional fundraiser. With this intimate knowledge of the charitable sector through The Empathy Agency, she and her team help organizations deliver more fairly on their mission and vision. They do this by coaching leaders and their teams to explore the impact identity has on organizational culture and equity outcomes.

Nneka Allen is a lover of justice, passionate about creating spaces where everyone belongs. And she believes that in our identities, answers are discovered.

Link to Purchase “Collecting Courage”:

More about The Empathy Agency:

Follow Nneka on Twitter: @AyannNneka 

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Contact Nneka:

About The Official Do Good Better Podcast:
Each episode features (fundraising expert, speaker, event creator and author) Patrick Kirby interviewing leaders and champions of small & medium nonprofits to share their successes, their impact, and what makes them a unicorn in a field of horses. Patrick answers fundraising questions and (most importantly) showcases how you can support these small nonprofits doing great big things!


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