Landscape of Loss | Life in the Immediate After with June Stilley

Recovering from pregnancy loss takes time and patience. Here on Haven the Podcast, we tell tender stories of loss and share our experiences of surviving grief, hoping that they will assist grieving families in their recovery. Often, these stories offer perspective on years of grief gone by, but today, we hear from a mom who is in the thick of it. At just four months since the loss of her sweet girl, Magnolia, June Stilley joins us to speak candidly about what she believes everyone should know about life in the “immediate after.” While learning to navigate her own grief, June also has to come to terms with her family’s grief and figure out what it means to parent a child who is no longer here. In this episode, she shares an emotional and potentially-triggering account of her labor induction before emphasizing the importance of educating ourselves about grief and making an effort with those who have experienced loss, even when we don’t know what to say. She also highlights the value of connecting with the lost parent community, honoring your angel baby in whatever way feels right, and using painful experiences as an opportunity to bring something positive into the world. For more gentle recommendations about coping with grief after pregnancy loss, be sure to tune in today.

Key Points from This Episode:

•    June introduces herself and shares about her pregnancy with Magnolia.

•    The earth-shattering moment when June realized that Magnolia was already gone.

•    Coming to terms with telling her family and experiencing their grief too.

•    How the blanket she held her angel baby in has become a security blanket for June.

•    TW: For listeners who wish to avoid June’s raw and intimate account of her labor induction process, please skip audio between [0:12:23] and [0:17:10].

•    Piecing together what it means to parent a child that is no longer with you.

•    Why June has been so intentional about sharing her grief and telling Magnolia’s story.

•    The importance of educating ourselves and becoming more comfortable with grief.

•    What June means when she says she is experiencing a “grief fog.”

•    How losing her pregnancy has made June more fearful of losing her living children.

•    Reminding yourself of what is real and what is true for today, one day at a time.

•    June shares her gratitude for her support network and the lost mom community.

•    How June is honoring Magnolia through Magnolia’s Message.

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Magnolia's Message

June Stilley Photography




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