FM Podcasts
Tudors Dynasty | Tudor Chat and Trivia with Heather & Rebecca
Today we officially welcome Heather R. Darise to the show! Heather and I chat about upcoming plans for the show in 2022, Heather’s contribution, the Tudors, Anne of Cleves, and we play a fun trivia game where we quiz one another. There is another surprise announcement as well – you’ll have to listen to…
Read MoreBrews, Booze, & Reviews | LAST CALL October 3rd, 2021 bonus Patreon Content
Hey neighbors! We wanted to kick off the new year by sharing with you all some of our premium content we record for our patreon members, for free! We hope that by checking out this episode it will encourage you to to head over to our patreon page and subscribe, for only $3 a month!…
Read MoreFit Fabulous Life | S3 E54 Enjoy this Guided Yoga Nidra Practice to Fall Asleep, guided by Yoga and Meditation Teacher Andrea Krejci Paradis
Enjoy this restful Yoga Nidra practice guided by Andrea Krejci Paradis. This episode is a gift for you to use at any time whether you struggle falling asleep or if you need a boost in your day. Enjoy this practice and come back to it as often as you like. Key Takeaways: Use this to…
Read MoreFit Fabulous Life | S3 E53 My Secret to Revitalizing Your Mind and Body in as Little as 20 Minutes a Day with Yoga and Meditation Teacher Andrea Krejci Paradis
You deserve to rest. We all do and today’s guest is here to share all the glorious benefit of it. She’s also going to share with us a method we can use in as little as 20 minutes each day to find rest. I don’t know about you, but that sounds amazing, especially with how…
Read MoreAlcohol & Anecdotes | Episode 33: Drunk Monks
In our last episode of 2021, Caitlin dives into the expansive history of Belgian beers while we drink Allagash Curieux. Then, Mari fills us in on the Castle of La Roche-en-Ardenne, giving us the plot twist we deserve. Cheers and happy new year, nerds!
Read MoreYou Betcha Radio | Episode 151 🎙Myles Got Engaged
(00:50) Myles got engaged and the gang discusses the plans that’ll go into the big day (50:45) Myles wen’t out and found a camper turned Ice Fishing House, and with some renovations it will become Myles’ Ice Castle The Coldest Podcast in the Midwest Buy our merchandise: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter:
Read MoreBrews, Booze, & Reviews | Ep. 163 – High Proof Whiskeys
Holy High Proofed Whiskeys, Batman, today’s show is a banger! Nox, Chris, and Ernie get together after the allocation season and run through 6 whiskeys that are 50% ABV or higher! In this episode we sample and review E.H. Taylor’s 2021 single barrel, Old Elk Infinity Blend, Jacob’s Pardon Small Batch #02 American Whiskey, Stag…
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