5 Plain Questions | 5 Plain Questions Mylan Panteah

Mylan Panteah is a current scholar in the Young Innovative Investigator Program (YIPP) at the University of Connecticut. He finished his didactic and clinical rotations at the University of North Dakota School of Medicine in May 2019. He is originally from the Navajo Nation, born in Gallup NM, and is an enrolled member of the Navajo tribe but recognizes hi father’s Zuni half as well. This current academic year at UConn he has joined the lab of Indigenous scientist Dr. Leslie Caromile, Eastern Band Cherokee descent, whose lab concentrates in Prostate Cancer research; projects include 3D-bioprinting, molecular data analysis, and health disparities research amongst BIPOC and LGBT community. Mylan is currently applying to Family Medicine Residency programs and plans to practice back home upon completion of both his research and physician training programs.

Instagram: @myley2424

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