I want to introduce you to Waŋbdí Wašté. This Ihanktonwan Nakota is a citizen of the Yankton Sioux Tribe is a musician and filmmaker. Now, it is said that the backbone of any band is the drummer. They keep that beat that can either make or break any band, and as Ringo Starr once responded if he wanted a metronome, “He was the metronome! That means that Waŋbdí was the backbone to the greatest Native American rock band that ever was, Indigenous. But to limit our perception of her as just an musician falls short of her creative world. She is an artist, a filmmaker, a producer, and activist. She is a member of Black Owl Society, a blues/rock band that was created by her brother Buffalo Man in December 2010, with a focus on creatively bringing more awareness about indigenous oppression.
I am so honored and so excited to share with you this most unique conversation with Waŋbdí.
So let’s jump into this interview with Waŋbdí.
Your link to Black Owl Society:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/blackowlsociety
IG: https://www.instagram.com/black_owl_society/