Brews, Booze, & Reviews

Hosted ByRyan 'Nox' Maack, Ernie Johnson & Chris Kjelshus

A Childish Podcast About Adult Beverages

Brews, Booze, & Reviews | Ep. 125 – Icewind Brewing Company Taproom Takeover

The BBR crew partnered up with the fine folks over at Icewind Brewing in Mapleton, ND to bring this episode to you listeners out there! We chat with the three owners Tyler, Rick, and Scott about their beginnings of the brewery, about everybody’s gateway beer(s), including a funny story about taking the wrong clamp off at the wrong time, to the disappointment of a bad mint stout.

In the episode we sample Zero Gravity Watermelon Hard Seltzer, The Quickening Scottish Ale, Springfest Maibock, West Ground and Brown Coffee Ale with Thunder Coffee, Hard Tickles Guava Sour, and Hop Tub Time Machine Pale Ale.

For more on Icewind Brewing head over to

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On behalf of everyone at Brews, Booze, & Reviews, may your glasses be full, and your spirits high!


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