Brews, Booze, & Reviews

Hosted ByRyan 'Nox' Maack, Ernie Johnson & Chris Kjelshus

A Childish Podcast About Adult Beverages

Brews, Booze, & Reviews | Ep. 126 – Intro to Sherries

Sherry wine. What is it, besides being a cask that some distilled spirits finish their aging in? Besides being something your grandma cooked with when she was feeling adventurous during the holidays? Sherry is a fortified wine (like port) that can be both sweet (like cream or PX) or it can be dry (fino and manzanillo). The difference being that Port gets fortified while it is fermenting (the added brandy is what stops fermentation) versus Sherries ferment completely before being fortified, so all the grape sugars get turned into alcohol. We sit down with Sean B from Bear Creek Winery to get his expertise on this style. We invite comedian Marquay on the show to round out this interesting panel, so enjoy the debauchery!

In this episode we sample and review the Fino and Amontillado from La Garrocha, Delicioso Manzanilla, the Don Nuno Oloroso and Capataz Andre Deluxe Cream from Lustau, and the El Maestro Sierra Pedro Ximenez.

Stop by to find out more about this local winery.

You can check out Marquay at —–> The Cellar <—–so be sure to click that link to learn more.

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On behalf of everyone at Brews, Booze, & Reviews, may your glasses be full, and your spirits high!


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