Brews, Booze, & Reviews

Hosted ByRyan 'Nox' Maack, Ernie Johnson & Chris Kjelshus

A Childish Podcast About Adult Beverages

Brews, Booze, & Reviews | Ep. 28 – Margaritaville at Moondance (or How to Pick a Good Tequila)

The BBR team just doesn’t stay home and record! We don’t even VACATION and not attempt to do a podcast, which is what we did here. Big Ern and Nox have gone to Moondance before, and got ahold of the fine folks over at the Margaritaville campground. Why you ask? Because they LOVE tequila! For the past 6 years they have been doing tequila tastings, and we thought we could pick their brain on which is their favorite tequilas and how to pick out a good one! Thanks to Mike, Steve, and Ralph for donating time and tequila!

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to e-mail us at [email protected]. If you like this episode and want to hear more, please rate and review our podcast. We appreciate the feedback we get from our listeners in helping us make better content for future episodes.

On behalf of everyone at Brews, Booze, & Reviews, may your glasses be full, and your spirits high! Cheers!

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