Brews, Booze, & Reviews | Ep. 57 – Junkyard Brewing Company Taproom Takeover part 1 (or Madeline’s Revenge)
Welcome neighbors to another taproom takeover special edition with Aaron Juhnke, owner of Junkyard Brewing Company! This special edition of BBR is clean from all swear words for the listening pleasure of our younger than 18 audience. Part 1 of our two part series involves a fun interview where we answer the crowler question, we chat about the brewers Aaron has making his fine beers, Aaron gives some advice to homebrewers, we chat about some of the collaborations Junkyard has had with other breweries in the region, and Aaron shares some stories about how some of the beers got names, and how a couple of the label arts were made. Part 2 will involve the tasting of the beers he had on tap at that moment.
If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to e-mail us at [email protected]. If you like this episode and want to hear more, please rate and review our podcast. We appreciate the feedback we get from our listeners in helping us make better content for future episodes.
On behalf of everyone at Brews, Booze, & Reviews, may your glasses be full, and your spirits high! Cheers!