Brews, Booze, & Reviews | Ep. 98 – Oktoberfest Biers 2020 (or SPOILOR!)
Even though there aren’t any “Fests” going on this year for obvious reasons, the BBR crew still wanted to pretend there was, so we got together and drank a bunch of Fest-style beers. In this episode we sample and review Summit’s Oktoberfest Marzen Style, Sierra Nevada’s Oktoberfest, Swing Barrel’s Mr. Oktober Oktoberfest Lager, Icewind Brewing double showing of their Frozen Hosen Oktoberfest Marzen and their Festbier: Dirndl Dropper, and Hacker Pschorr Oktoberfest Marzen, followed by a revisit from last year’s winner, and from our host beer Marchtoberfest from DCR Brewing. We’ll don our Lederhos’n and our Tyrolean’s and hoist our steins once again to be filled to the brim, because today, our spirits are high!
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