Hi neighbors! Nox here. As we’re winding down, I decided to reach back in the vaults and re-release our 2nd episode recorded January 20th, 2019. I took this episode out because there was just a huge jump downwards in downloads from our first episode to our second, and I knew it was because it was a little sloppy, and the audio wasn’t great at all. I didn’t know how to properly sound-proof the studio, and Matty was learning which plug-ins to use to make us sound better. We had cheap condenser mics that picked up every noise around us as possible, and I still had concrete floors and walls down there. I did a little post on this episode so it should sound quite a lot better than when it was originally released. Enjoy!
Who’s on this episode:
– Nox
– Big Ern
– EZ Chris
– Andrea A
– Travis G
– on the knobs and sliders: Matty B
– and introducing Izzy the dog
Which bourbons:
1) Four Roses Single Barrel
2) 1792 Bottled in Bond
3) Bulleit Frontier Whiskey
FAQ’s answered for our listeners:
– What is bourbon?
– What does Single Barrel mean?
– What is Small Batch?
– What do they do with the one-use barrels when distilleries are done with them?
Thanks to https://fargounderground.com/ and https://www.bridgeviewliquors.com/ for supporting the show.
If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions for future episodes, please feel free to e-mail us at [email protected].
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For more information, or to listen to our back catalogue of episodes, head over to https://brewsboozeandreviews.com/
On behalf of everyone at Brews, Booze, & Reviews, may your glasses be full, and your spirits high!