The Official Do Good Better Podcast Season Six Ep20 Sing Me A Story Executive Director Austin Atteberry

Today Patrick welcomes Austin Atteberry, Executive Director & Co-Founder of Sing Me A Story.  

Austin hails from the great city of Chicago where he was raised and where he attended school at Northwestern University (06'). After completing his degree, he released a record as a singer-songwriter and was persuaded to move to Music City – Nashville, TN in 2008.  A few years into his time in Nashville, a beautiful girl named Sara moved in next door to Austin and changed the course of his life forever.

The idea for Sing Me a Story was born in 2011 and started to take shape in May of 2012 after Austin resigned his position at his day job in Nashville. Austin carries an MBA from Pinchot University in Seattle and was married to that beautiful girl next door, Sara, in 2013. They have two dogs (Fat Sam and Coli) and currently reside in the great state of Wisconsin. Austin makes a mean Texas bar-b-que and enjoys the relationships he shares with those he loves the most.
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Donor Dock – The best CRM system for your small to medium sized nonprofit, hands down! Visit and use the Promo Code DOGOODBETTER for a FREE month!

Brady Martz – The Nonprofit Audit Specialists! Visit to connect with folks to make your fiscal life a heckuvalot easier!

About The Official Do Good Better Podcast:
Each episode features (fundraising expert, speaker, event creator and author) Patrick Kirby interviewing leaders and champions of small & medium nonprofits to share their successes, their impact, and what makes them a unicorn in a field of horses. Patrick answers fundraising questions and (most importantly) showcases how you can support these small nonprofits doing great big things!


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