The Official Do Good Better Podcast Ep28 HR Expert Marissa Willits

Your organization is awesome.

But sometimes you want to be even awesomer!

The Official Do Good Better Podcast is here to help!

Each episode features (fundraising expert, speaker, event creator and author) Patrick Kirby interviewing leaders and champions of small and medium nonprofits share their successes, their impact, and what makes them a unicorn in a field of horses. Patrick will also answer a fundraising question, and most importantly, showcase how you can support these small nonprofits doing great big things!

Uh-Oh. It’s time to call Human Resources.

Joining Patrick today is Marissa Willits, founder of Next Level Consulting. Marissa is a certified Human Resources Professional. Marissa began her career in the construction industry and then eventually finished in banking, before starting Next Level Consulting. Her favorite parts of HR include Policy and Procedure development for On-boarding, Off-boarding, Benefits Administration, Training & Development, Worker's Compensation and Unemployment.

She loves working with small organizations who have fewer than 50 employees. “Its much easier to attach to the mission and vision of the organization when it's smaller. You also see it play out at a very visceral level which is incredible.” Marissa has said of her experience working with a small non-profit in Fargo, ND.

Contact Marissa: [email protected]

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Love the show? Then you’ll love Patrick’s book! 

Fundraise Awesomer! A Practical Guide to Staying Sane While Doing Good  

Available through Amazon Here:

Email Patrick: [email protected] 

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