On my last episode I shared a conversation with Lauren Roxburgh who shared the benefits of tuning into our bodies and understanding how they work to help rid toxins, pain and dis-ease and to invite more flow and feeling good. Today I do a deep dive on how we can create healthy habits that support our mind, body and spirt. Learn how the fascia connective tissue is considered our sixth sense, or proprioception, where we are in space relationship to the earth, around people and with gravity.
Stress is part of life and when necessary, can be a GOOD thing, because it taps in our body’s natural responses of avoiding danger and things that can harm us. Yet, today more than ever we are overstimulated and our stress levels are out of control. The key is tapping into our abilities to respond to stress rather than react to it. When we respond, we maintain control – and when practiced we can access a cognitive state and choose how we respond to what’s going on around us.Also give yourself grace, this is a practice.
Ways we can tap into my mind body connection and have a healthier relationship with stress:
- journalling
- going for a walk or run with music that has no lyrics (I have a great mix on Spotify called Music for Mind, Body, Soul – follow me at Kay Cote)
- Ask your body how are you today, allow yourself to feel
- Practice Yoga
- Use a guided meditation like A Meditation for Intuitive Guidance by Mindful in Minutes with Kelly on Spotify
- Get in physical activity to strengthen your mind, body connection. Physical activity helps strengthen communication between your mind and body and gives you awareness of your body, how its moving, and what sensations are happening
- Check out Lauren’s fitness and movement on her website, the alignedlifestudio.com where she offers a 7 day free trial.
- Give yourself grace, this is a practice, the aim isn’t perfection
Check out Lauren’s books, including The Hidden Key to Ignite Your Core, Empower Your Body, Release Stress and Re-Align Your Life.
Start your FREE week of The Aligned Life with Lauren Roxburgh.