Ladies, do you ever struggle with mood swings, food cravings and feelings of exhaustion? Do you often wonder why one week you can be on top of the world and the next you feel like you’re falling flat?
Key Takeaways:
- Discover hormone-supporting and delicious foods that you will love
- Learn natural methods to tap into the inner workings of your hormones
- Learn about the 4 phases of your cycle and how they work
- Discover how to eat for optimal hormone health
- Learn how you can use mindfulness to tune into what your body is telling you
My guest today is Talida Voinea and she is a 35 year old mom from Australia who is a certified fertility awareness educator with a post grad in biomedical science focusing on nutrition science and reproductive endocrinology. Talida runs a plant based food and women’s health blog and Instagram page and recently launched her book, Eating for Hormone Balance, a plant based guide. This book shares about the science going on in our biology and helps us tap into the power of our own bodies as well as over 60 delicious recipes to help support healthy hormone function.
Talida’s inspiration came from personal battles she faced in her health and hormone function. Her story is so inspiring and can resonate with many of us and the battles we face when it comes to hormone health.
Get a copy of her book, Eating for Hormone Balance: A Plant-based Guide
Check out this article to find a cycle syncing app that works best for you.