Fit Fabulous Life | EP 109 How to Hit The Start Button On Your Life with Michael Unbroken

In this episode, my conversation with Michael Unbroken will inspire you to see through your excuse and hit the start button on your life. You’ll also learn how to conquer fears that hold you back from success.

Michael’s young life was struck with deep trauma and abuse. and at the age of 13 he found himself face first in a full on drug addiction and identity crisis. For the next 15 years his life was filled with hardships including addiction, emotional disorders, obesity and ultimately a total breakdown.

It is through the foundational principles of his platform, Think Unbroken, that Michael has been able to get out this vortex and take his life back by understanding and overcoming childhood trauma. He reminds us that though trauma may be your foundation, it doesn’t have to be your future.

Key takeaways from this episode:

  • Adopt a no excuses, just results mindset
  • Decide to hit the start button on your life
  • Stop lying to yourself about what you want in life
  • Understanding the fears you have and how to conquer them
  • Invest in yourself
  • Find ways to start over in life
  • Take inventory of of your life

Michael is the host of the Think Unbroken Podcast and author of Think Unbroken (Grab your copy in my Amazon book store here.) Learn more about Michael on his website and connect with him on social media. @michaelunbroken.

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