Fit Fabulous Life | EP 113: Boost Your Confidence Through Elevating Your Personal Style With Expert, Madeleine Yarbrough

Do you struggle defining your personal style? Did you know that you can build your confidence through your personal style? Style can be tricky because you often don't know where to begin or how to define what style means for you. That's exactly where I was until I started asking myself what I want when it comes to not only what I wear, but my lifestyle a whole.

Madeleine Elizabeth is the founder and CEO of the M.E. Directive, a luxury lifestyle firm in Los Angeles that focuses on helping clients find their authentic style to promote internal and external confidence. 

On this episode discover:

  • How to hit the ok button on investing in yourself
  • Embrace when you look good, you feel good
  • Celebrate your unique qualities through your style
  • Embrace your authenticity
  • The top three tips you can do right now to find a style that works for you

Follow the M.E. Directive on Instagram to get started on defining your personal style today.