Scientists in Training: 2.1 A roundtable discussion on mental health: It’s not spooky to take care of yourself

In this episode, the podcast team holds a roundtable discussion about the importance of taking care of your mental health.

Mental health care and the conversation surrounding mental health and mental illness continue to be stigmatized, inaccessible, and sometimes outright ignored. We glorify the grind and sometimes feel left in the dust if we dare to stop and take care of ourselves. We discuss some common academic mental health problems and our personal experiences with them. Our hope is to humanize the conversation instead of talking about statistics, because the statistics, albeit shocking, are clearly not inspiring much action to make the needed resources accessible and available to all.

Then Odalis discusses the new bivalent SARS-CoV-2 booster that most people are eligible for!

Then Emily discusses her search for a missing appendix.

The hosts this month: Emily Hackerson, Odalis Garcia, Emily Johnson, and Alex Knopps

The next episode: The podcast team discusses our experiences as we learn about, and apply for various grants, fellowships, and scholarships.

*Disclaimer: The Scientists in Training Podcast is not associated with North Dakota State University. Any opinions expressed by the podcast, hosts, and guests are not associated with the university.

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