Tudors Dynasty | Understanding the Man: Henry VIII – Part Two
This is the second and last part on my “Understanding the Man” series on King Henry VIII.
As many of you may already know, King Henry VIII is my favorite monarch of the Tudor dynasty. If it wasn’t for his reign I do not believe the Tudors would be as popular as they are today. In this episode I continue on my journey to explain the Henry I have learned to love…and hate.
In this series on Henry VIII I want to take a different look at the king who executed two of his six wives. My mission is to make those of you who look at him as a tyrant to see what made him into the man he became later into his reign.
Written by: Rebecca Larson
Voiced by: Rebecca Larson
Produced by: Rebecca Larson
Music Credits:
Suonatore di Liuto Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
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