Tudors Dynasty | Sari Graham on Anne Boleyn
On this episode I have with me my good friend, Sari Graham to talk about her love for the person with the most recognizable name in world history, Anne Boleyn; Daughter. Sister. Lady-in-Waiting. Marquess. Queen. Mother. Heretic. Whore. Witch. Traitor. Victim. Probably one of the most recognizable names in English history, her life’s story has been immortalized in numerous books, film and television series in the 483 years since her untimely death. The world still feels the ripples of the waves Anne Boleyn made during her lifetime, including the highly successful reign of her only child, Queen Elizabeth I.
This podcast would not be possible without the generous support of my patrons:
Diana O, Bobb W, Racheal C, Michele T, Lacy W, Dianne B, Kathie K, Katie F, Stacie C, Joy B, James V, Anne L, Mary J, Azaria J, Lara L, Rebecca H, Lisa N, Nora C, Sallyann F, Jennifer V, Angela G, Sarah C, Doris C, Wendy A, Cynthia Y, Anna K, Nicole T, Heidi H, Mary T, Cheryl T, Adrian S, Carey H, Sari G, Heather T, Tanya R, Donna K, Katherine R, Courtney D, Sue K, Shelbie H, Jenn, Melissa S and Megan B.
A special warm welcome to my newest patron Debbie V – thank you for your support, Debbie! -Rebecca
A special thanks to The Falcon Nest jewelry. Handmade, history-themed jewelry. See more! Receive 15% off with promo code: TUDORSDYNASTY
Written by: Rebecca Larson
Voiced by: Rebecca Larson & Sari Graham
Produced by: Rebecca Larson
Imaging by: Troy Larson
Music Credits:
Suonatore di Liuto Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
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