America’s Barley Basket | Episode 068
Nathan is the birthday boy and we’re celebrating the only way we know how…by talkin’ about The Simpsons! Season 16, Episodes 2-6
Comedians Nathan Fulsebakke and Marlin Wells have never seen The Simpsons. We're not sure how that happened, but documenting their journey through the show from the beginning seems like a good idea.
Comedians Nathan Fulsebakke and Marlin Wells have never seen The Simpsons. We’re not sure how that happened, but documenting their journey through the show from the beginning seems like a good idea.
Nathan is the birthday boy and we’re celebrating the only way we know how…by talkin’ about The Simpsons! Season 16, Episodes 2-6
It’s a fresh one today, fun nuggets! Bart ain’t patriotic enough, Burns owns the media, and we dip our toe into Season 16 of The Simpsons! More Kuribo’s Shoe content than any other Simpsons podcast you’ll hear this week. We guarantee it! Season 15,…
Edna’s breakin’ free, Bart’s goin’ to the big house, and Simpsons enjoy themselves a bounce castle as season 15 continues! Season 15, Episodes 14-18
Your favorite boyz are back and it’s time to get new cats, experience love in the time of whaling, and beg for change on an all new episode, as we burst through the crotch of season 15! Season 15, Episodes 9-13
Nathan and Marlin have joined their local SSCCATAGAPP chapter and are ready to visit England and fight a bear as Season 15 rolls on! You’ll never envision Taft the same! Season 15, Episodes 4-8