Drunks VS The World

Hosted ByDrunks Vs The World

Drunks VS The World according to...US! We are gonna have a helluva good time talking about all kinds of things. All the while drinking a cold beer and maybe a shot or two.

Drunks VS The World according to… US! We are gonna have a helluva good time talking about all kinds of things and maybe with all kinds of people. We shoot the shit about random thoughts, sports, and games, just to mention a few things. All the while drinking a cold beer and maybe a shot here and there.

All Episodes

Drunks VS The World A Year in the Life of…US!

Kanye is a dumb fuck…and that is just one of our topics we chat about. We tackle the sensitive issue of racism in entertainment. But we also talk sports...

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Drunks VS The World 51: Our holiday requests, stupid celebrity requests.

Well Justin returns just in time to discuss the thanksgiving, and what you gotta have. we also chat about celebrity riders (requests)

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Drunks VS The World 50: Where in the world is Justin?

This episode we speculate where Justin is and if he could be visiting Brittany Griner, and we talk football, and how Lucas was some poor woman’s rock bottom late...

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Drunks VS The World 49: Bare Minimum

With Justin gone we do what ever the hell we want and we did. Sports, games, same shit…different episode!

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