Drunks VS The World

Hosted ByDrunks Vs The World

Drunks VS The World according to...US! We are gonna have a helluva good time talking about all kinds of things. All the while drinking a cold beer and maybe a shot or two.

Drunks VS The World according to… US! We are gonna have a helluva good time talking about all kinds of things and maybe with all kinds of people. We shoot the shit about random thoughts, sports, and games, just to mention a few things. All the while drinking a cold beer and maybe a shot here and there.

All Episodes

Drunks VS The World 38: ABC’s

This week we talk about what we think each letter of the alphabets personality would be. This episode was cut short due to a power issue while we were...

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Drunks VS The World 37: Insults and other BS!

We basically sit and insult each other. Talk about our favorite insults and general BS!

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Drunks VS The World 36: Toxic Fans!

We go thru and talk about toxic fans. Whether it’s music, sports, movies and religion. Along with that we added a drinking game! For every time you hear “On...

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Drunks VS The World 35: Fake News! Read all about it!!!!

We went thru a few websites and find some of the dumbest headlines that are fake…and some really dumb ways to die that are totally real! It’s amazing the...

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Drunks VS The World 34: Someone say Beer?

We chat a bit about scams…all kinds of them. Ok…only a few of them. But it was fun to talk about.

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