Drunks VS The World

Hosted ByDrunks Vs The World

Drunks VS The World according to...US! We are gonna have a helluva good time talking about all kinds of things. All the while drinking a cold beer and maybe a shot or two.

Drunks VS The World according to… US! We are gonna have a helluva good time talking about all kinds of things and maybe with all kinds of people. We shoot the shit about random thoughts, sports, and games, just to mention a few things. All the while drinking a cold beer and maybe a shot here and there.

All Episodes

Drunks VS The World 106: Another Night In Fargo

We chat about the Miami Alien reports, War, Comics, Some Sports and of course Lenny showed up.

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Drunks VS The World 105: Topics Galore!

First episode of the new year is about the Epstein list, wrestling and football.

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Drunks VS The World 104: Rants And Raves

This week while Justin was away we go off the rails and discuss whatever we want.

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Drunks VS The World 103: Christmas Already?

Well here we are…Another Christmas has came and gone and all we have to show for it is this podcast. We literally just talk about Christmas in general. And...

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Drunks VS The World 102: State Of Porn Address

We go over a list of what was mostly searched for on Pornhub per state.

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