Landscape of Loss

Hosted ByHaven

Every parent who has lost a child must make the decision to continue living in an impossible reality. Family and friends are an invaluable support system after such a loss, but there is a specific comfort that can only be found in shared experience. There’s something so transformative about being able to look someone in the eye and know that they understand what you’ve been through.

Haven: the podcast, where we explore the vast landscape of loss. There is no going over or around grief. We are going to take it piece by piece and navigate these tough topics the only way we know how–by going through it. This podcast discusses miscarriage, pregnancy, infant, and child loss, so please listen with care.In this podcast, we’ll chat with parents, providers, and friends to explore the landscape of loss. From parents who have lost a child to photographers who help them document their few brief moments together and the providers who support all along the journey – these intimate conversations will take a deep dive into each story. The ultimate hope is that conversations about loss become less taboo and that no parent has to suffer the devastating loss of a child alone. This podcast is about building community and you’re welcome here no matter what your story is. Thank you for listening to Haven’s Landscape of Loss. If you find it helpful to hear these stories and are going through a loss journey or supporting someone who is, consider subscribing on wherever you’re listening to this podcast. To learn more and get even more resources about the loss journey or give a healing gift, please visit and while you’re there, consider donating. This podcast is made possible by our partners at Tellwell, listeners like you, and folks willing to share their stories so we can all heal together.

All Episodes

Landscape of Loss | Episode 1: How Loss and Grief Changes Your Perspective, with Jeremy Nelson

Show Notes: Some people shy away from conversations about loss. This podcast has been created to share the stories of people who are working through their grief and it...

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