The Irrationally Exuberant

Hosted ByReid Messerschmidt

A podcast, but also art.

A scripted, absurdist take on history, pop culture, animals, religion, conspiracies, music, books, language, the paranormal, insects, Johnny Appleseed, The Harlem Globetrotters, McDonald’s, Satan, God, humanity, crows, Reptilians, alternative medicine, bees, Eddie Vedder, Americana, Esperanto, Platypuses, me, you, him, her, them, and whatever Chris Gaines was supposed to be. Rife with lies. Sometimes there are songs.

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The Irrationally Exuberant | Jim Krokowski’s PLATYPUS EXPERIENCE!

Are you tired of brushing your teeth eeeeevery morning? Sore from walking around on only two legs? Sick of incubating your young inside of your body? Had it up to here with having nipples? If you said yes to any of these questions, then, boy,

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The Irrationally Exuberant | OK Soda pt. 2

In 1998 something wonderful happened. I found a two liter of OK Soda in the back of a refrigerator at a church.

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The Irrationally Exuberant | OK Soda pt. 1

Ok Soda was a soda. A pop, as most folks call it up here – it’s shameful what we’ve done with language – made by the good folks at the Coca Cola Corporation, dreamed up by the same ad wizards that created New Coke, the Coke that tasted like a Pepsi.

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