
America’s Barley Basket | Episode 175

Nathan is in tough shape but the boy’s a trooper so we’re here to chat Levar Burton, Ferrero Rocher, and The Simpsons! Season 34, Episodes 3-4

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America’s Barley Basket | Episode 174

Can you believe it?? The Simpsons are back and your boyz are here to talk about ’em! Do they remember how to do this? Do they still make time to talk about milk and beer and sex toys? You bet your buns they do! Welcome back to a podcast about The…

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America’s Barley Basket | Episode 173

This week, your boyz are reminiscing about the Next bus, Marlin’s havin’ cashier troubles, and Nathan has real specific chocolate tastes. Live it up because next week we’re back to The Simpsons!

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America’s Barley Basket | Episode 172

Man, we’ve gotta stop recording these while we’re hungry…

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America’s Barley Basket | Episode 171

We’re celebrating Nathan’s birthday by chitchattin’ about peanut brittle, butt plug, and bees!

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America’s Barley Basket | Episode 170

Careful ya don’t Bossman yourself while your boys are talkin’ about Mario 3 and bus driver nightmares!

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America’s Barley Basket | Episode 169

Your favorite boyz squeezed themselves into a Minneapolis hotel room to discuss Home Depot hookups, Nathan’s hot sauce odyssey, and their favorite dinosaurs!

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JJ Meets World | #357: The Sheet Cake Situation

If the A.I. really wants to kill us, it will just give us diabetes. For more episodes of JJ Meets World, or to find out how you can support this podcast, visit Patreon –  Merch Shop –  Apple Podcasts –  Spotify –  YouTube – …

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America’s Barley Basket | Episode 168

America’s Barley Basket | Episode 167

This week your boyz are gazing into eachother’s eyes via the miracle of the internet and discussing prison wine, unleashing their old man grump grumps, and going through the joys of home ownership!

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