
Landscape of Loss | Including Stillbirth in the Conversation with Jessi Michel

Summary Jessi Michel shares her heartbreaking story of stillbirth and her advocacy work to prevent stillbirths. She recounts the day her daughter Freya was born still and the emotional journey that followed. Jessi emphasizes the need for better education and awareness about stillbirth, as well as improved data collection and research. She discusses two bills…

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Landscape of Loss | Navigating Holiday Landmines with Hannah Stonehouse Hudson

For all of us – not just those who are dealing with loss – the holidays can be a troublesome period filled with overwhelming emotions and events. But navigating holiday landmines is as simple as always putting yourself first. Today, we welcome Hannah Stonehouse Hudson back to the show for the third time, as she…

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Landscape of Loss | Climbing the Way to Hope with Heather Gilbert

In the tough journey of grief, getting to a place where we can accept our loss or a traumatic experience isn't easy, it takes time and real effort. Today, we have Heather Gilbert with us, sharing her raw and emotional story of navigating loss and grappling with depression afterward. She is 18 years into her…

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Landscape of Loss | Recovering Hope with Rachel Lohman

Hope is one of the first casualties of loss, closely followed by a breakdown in faith. And while it’s necessary to experience grief to its furthest point, it’s just as important to recover your hope to begin living life to the fullest once again. We are thrilled to be joined by Rachel Lohman for today’s…

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Landscape of Loss | Life in the Immediate After with June Stilley

Recovering from pregnancy loss takes time and patience. Here on Haven the Podcast, we tell tender stories of loss and share our experiences of surviving grief, hoping that they will assist grieving families in their recovery. Often, these stories offer perspective on years of grief gone by, but today, we hear from a mom who…

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Landscape of Loss | Being Pregnant with Life after Carrying Death in your Womb with Lindsey Henke

Pregnancy after loss feels like a journey too difficult to navigate but thanks to today’s guest, Lindsey Henke, it is possible and your desire for another child can outweigh your fear of loss. In this episode of Landscape of Loss, we take a look at our guest’s stillbirth experience and her second pregnancy as she…

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Landscape of Loss | Episode 8 – Holding Space for Grief with Andrea Krejci Paradis

Episode 8: Show Notes. We need to create a world where we respect the way in which everyone deals with loss and grief. Today we are joined by Andrea Krejci Paradis to discuss the importance of holding space for grief and discussing the taboo topic of death. Andrea is a ‘rest specialist,’ yoga instructor, and…

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Landscape of Loss | Episode 7 – The Joy in Tomorrow with Kenzie

Episode 7: Show Notes Today, we hear a story of love, loss, and hope from Kenzie Pavek, a mom, wife, and realtor from just outside of Fargo. In this episode, Kenzie speaks candidly and vulnerably about losing her son, Rhett, at 25 weeks pregnant and provides a vulnerable account of the days that followed, from…

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Landscape of Loss | Episode 5 – Finding Joy after Loss with Kaylee

Episode 5: Show Notes In today’s episode, we are joined by Kaylee Jaeger, who shares her story of finding joy after loss. When her first baby’s heart stopped beating only a few days after his due date, Kaylee didn’t believe that it would be possible for her to find meaning in this tragedy. While there…

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Landscape of Loss | Episode 4 – The Importance of the Right Medical Support with Jackie

Episode 04: Show Notes. Today’s guest, Jackie, had both the benefit and the disadvantage of being a medical professional with more in-depth knowledge of the situation when she lost her third child Cooper. She joins us to share the story of how she first discovered her pregnancy, how things progressed normally, and how she first…

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